Love is finding a whole new world in the very same places.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Too long Too long

I have to admit, I had given up on this whole blogging thing. However, I find myself narrating in my head as the days go by anyway. Therefore, here I am. Giving it another go.

    Well here is a jolly update on what has happened. Let's see....

      February.... my dad turned 50, but then the rest was boring...
         March.....more boring.......
               April.......... well you get the idea.

         I give up, I cannot remember things month by month anyway. Let's see Carter turned one in May, it was a fabulous suaree of pizza and FLEAS.

 The party was supposed to be at our house. You know, the house I spent the two weeks before scrubbing from top to bottom. However, our two lovely kitties brought a sudden influx of fleas in the week before. After 16 flea bombs in three days we finally got rid of them. In case you didn't know this, 1 flea bomb is supposed to cover a 2k square foot floor, and both my top and bottom floors are less than 1800sq ft. We were just a LITTLE determined to finally be rid of them. The day of the party came though and the bombs were being set so thankfully we had Marion's pizza as a backup plan.
If you are not from Ohio and you have not had Marion's pizza, then I highly suggest you get in your car and drive to Ohio and eat there. If you ARE from Ohio and you haven't had Marion's Pizza,what the hell is wrong with you? Put down the Dominoes and drive. Right now.

   Shortly after his first birthday Carter took his first steps. It is truly magical to watch him run around the room now. However, less magical when he is running and topples into the trashcan.

       In July Chloe turned five :) We actually had her ON her birthday too :) I set up balloons in her room while she was sleeping, and posted the number five all around the house. Her daddy and I were determined that she would remember her first birthday morning with us. ---------------------->

My favorite moment was her explaining to me: "There are five fives hanging, and I'm turning five!"
To which, my response was "It's like someone planned it that way..."

Also, later in July we adopted a dog, Beretta, from a friend. She is a young Jack Russell/terrier mix. Loving and sweet and Carter's new best friend and partner in crime. 

Oh yeah, and I guess it's important...

                            We GOT MARRIED :)

    Jon and I eloped to Gatlinburg, TN and were married on July, 14th. It was a small ceremony with only us, the preacher and the photographer. Beautiful, romantic and everything I could have hoped for. But more details on this later.

School has started again, I'm trying to find a job and life is stressful but we're pretty happy. More to come soon, and much better topics than my boring old life.

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